Wednesday 8 July 2009

Here's a nice little treat to keep you going

Still no sign of a reconnection to the virtual world that you and I call the internet. Its a cold* and cruel** world that is outside the bedroom.

I've been told my blogs are getting "lazy" and in a way, yes they are. I'll pick up the pace again when I can plug in from the residential dwelling from which I recline on a warm summers evening. In the meantime, enjoy these two little links. One is slightly amusing, one is slightly interesting. Neither were worth the wait from my last blog.

In no particular order:

Link 2 (click here) Slightly interesting: " Your future is calling: 15 cool cell phone concepts" (or mobile phone)

Apologies for the Americanisms.

To do:
Look at more english websites
Write the Deer Steve I have waiting
