Monday 27 April 2009

Its your letters -write to Deer Steve

This was a deer from Lyme Park before I butchered it in my rushed cutout!

The first letter chosen for this section:

“Deer Steve,

I have this acquaintance, who we'll call "S" for anonymity. Apart from me, S has no friends which means no one sends letters into his blog. He's asked me to write in which I think is a vanity thing to make him look popular. I don't want to turn him down because I'm afraid he might hurt himself or someone else, but I'd feel like a fraud if I wrote in and pretended to be someone I’m not.

What should i do?

Yours truly confused and concerned,



If I were put in this situation, I would find a way to approach S in a calm and mature fashion. You should find a gentle method of communication that will allow him time to absorb the information slowly at his own pace. This way you are more likely to avoid any serious repercussions. I would suggest writing a letter or an email. Perhaps a gentle discussion could follow -ask him how he feels and ensure that he feels loved. I always find honesty is the best solution provided you go about it in the correct way.

On a side note, I do feel sorry for S and I’m glad I’m not in that situation. 

edit added:

I’d like to say thanks to my Mum for writing in with that letter. Sorry I missed your call, I got your message though, and I’m feeling fine. Love you too Mum.


Continue sending your letters to


PS Check out the new news section on the right from time to time. This will change as the blog matures. 

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