Tuesday 21 April 2009

Home sweet home


Those of you who arent from Cheltenham may not consider this blog worthwhile. However you may wish to read about the life and times of Marlon Brando whose career included The Godfather, and the original Superman films. If this is the case, then click here for the Brando Biog to lead you away from this blog


I was back in Cheltenham over the weekend seeing family and friends. Sadly, I did not take any photos. I should of. If I had my time over, I think I would have taken some photos. "Something for the weekend"/blog. I do think I can live with my decision not to take photos, but it may take some time. Maybe next time, I'll drag out some old photos from days gone by. I'll probably forget though.

Notable things that are new in Cheltenham:
  • Loads of shops have shut in the town centre
  • A fair few have changed their frontage
  • Two Pigs still provides the standard cheltenham night out
  • Apparently my blog does not go down well in Cheltenham (either with family or some friends) but those friends still read it. I find this curious. I wouldnt say this is the general rule, but it certainly received critism (Hi, I hope you are enjoying this one a bit more)
  • Josh* is on level 6, -level 4 was the hardest
  • Josh's favourite real life football player is Scott** -who doesnt play for Everton***
I think those were the highlights. Sorry if I didnt get round to seeing you, either you dont make my "top ten friends" or you couldnt be bothered to make it out to the pub/had other plans. Ratings are regularly being reviewed, so you have got room for improvement. 

Background information:
*Josh is Brett (of Bournside) and Nikki's son.
**Scott is Brett's brother.
***Josh (and Scott) support Everton.

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