Monday 13 April 2009

"I need somebody to lean on"

Empty I stand, no longer loved, no longer cared for. Propped up with scraps, I can't perform my function any longer. I don't know why I exist. I'm visited only just enough to stop me falling out of existence. Slowly I'm rotting from the outside in. I'm beyond repair. They are only delaying the inevitable. If I had just been shown a little more love a few years ago -well, things would be different now. 

Despite this I am still beautiful -I can see it in the eyes of passers by, they have a look of both pity, and wonder. They know I have a story to tell, even if they do not ask. 

Soon I will be gone, and there will be no trace of me left. I will be cleared away and room made for something new, something better. If only they had seen what I'd seen, maybe they'd understand.


I resisted the temptation to give the old garage a little shove. It had a beauty in its emptiness, although its still a little tempting to hear the creek of wood as it crumbles. Every dog has his day. This photo was taken on a walk through Primrose Farm which is between Mellor church and Mill Brow.

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